A lot of students strive to combine studying with work. Earning money means independence, ability to decide on your own how much money to spend on dwelling, clothes, travels, and sometimes to pay for studying. As a rule, an additional income is a source of concern for students who arrived from another cities and countries. And when Russian citizens have to make efforts just to search for an appropriate workplace, foreigners should pay attention to abiding by some formalities.
International students do not need any permits if they are employed at universities (or affiliated organizations) outside of class time (including vacations).
In all other cases, a permit is required. Permits are issued only to students on full-time courses at state-accredited universities. Students can work only according to the profession specified in the permit, and in the region (city) where their university is located.
If a student changes their job before the end of the term of the current permit, they may work under this document at their next place of employment, but they must inform the Russian Federal Migration Service of such changes.
From 2014, it has become easier for international students to arrange a work permit: the number of documents required has decreased and the processing term is now shorter (down to 10 working days).

Russia ranks 8th in the world by the number of foreign students arriving for higher education in Russia. Especially, to study medicine, engineering, and technology, management, social sciences, finance etc.
Today, Russia is becoming one of the most popular destinations for foreign students to study in Russia, This leads to a well-established career and best jobs in Russia.

What are you going to do with that degree? Finding work abroad can be a great way to meet locals and to experience the day-to-day culture. It can also extend your stay if you desire. It helps, but is not always necessary, to speak Russian. While getting there and finding work may prove to be challenging, Russia’s still-developing market can offer opportunities.

Most students coming to Russia get their first start in the market teaching English, translating, and/or editing documents. Here are a few places that regularly hire for such positions. Keep in mind as well that many international companies in Moscow also have in-house editors, teachers, and translators. So, applying directly to large, international companies in a variety of fields can also be useful – especially if you have experience or education in the field they work in.