When you think of Canada, you probably think of its picture postcard beauty – wide-open spaces, dramatic mountains, pristine forests and majestic lakes. What might not come to mind, however, is that Canada is a modern, progressive, open and tolerant multi-cultural society with 2 official languages – English and French.
This section will give you a high-level overview of Accommodation as well as some helpful tips to know before you arrive to study in Canada.

Many post-secondary institutions have accommodation conveniently located on or near campus. Dorms generally have a shared kitchen, bathroom, and laundry facilities. Some offer optional meal plans where you can pay a set price up-front for two or three meal tickets per day.
If staying for just one semester, choosing a residence can be easier than finding your own private, off-campus housing.
For a longer period, you could choose residence for your first semester and then make alternative long-term arrangements as you become more acquainted with your area.
Staying in residence is the preferred option for a majority of Canadian students in their first and second years of study. Many international students also find it allows them to make friends and find study partners more easily, saves on transport to campus, and generally enables a smoother social transition.

Check with the housing office or student union office on campus for a current list of rental units nearby. These private accommodations are not inspected by the institutions, therefore it is your responsibility to contact the landlord, inspect the premises and determine suitability for your needs.
Price, quality, and availability will vary greatly. Rent can be especially high in some cities. Expect to pay from C$400-$1500 per month, depending on the city, the neighborhood, and whether there are co-tenants. Landlords typically collect one month’s rent up-front as a damage deposit, which is returned to when you move out if no damages are incurred.
Private rentals require a signed lease, which is a legal document stating your responsibilities as a tenant, such as paying rent on time, keeping premises clean, repairing any damages caused by you or your guests, and not disturbing other tenants.